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Fatigue Testing Machine for Rubber Materials in Hydrogen Gas H2GSH-1U


Tensile/Compressive fatigue testing of rubber materials is possible in high-temperature and high-pressure hydrogen gas (pressure less than 1 MPa, temperature +150 °C or less).

●The purpose of this testing machine is to evaluate the behavior of tensile/compressive test, and fatigue caused by repeated the pressurization and decompression for rubber materials in a hydrogen gas environment of less than 1 MPa.
Main Specifications
PressureMax. : 0.99 MPa Operate: 0.99 MPa
Temperature range+40 °C to +150 °C  Operate: +40 °C to +150 °C
Vessel dimensionsø252 × L595 mm
ConfigurationsTest vessel, Pressure control panel, Heating medium circulator,
Cooling water circulator, etc.